

The Travis County Health Facilities Development Corporation (TCHFDC) is a public, non-profit corporation that was formed on December 18, 1981. The TCHFDC issues taxable and tax exempt bonds to non-profit entities.

The Capital Health Facilities Development Corporation (CHFDC) is a public, non-profit corporation that was formed on May 25, 1982. The CHFDC is similar to the TCHFDC with the exception that it issues bonds to for profit entities for identical purposes.

The authority to issue bonds for these Corporations is statewide. Facilities that can qualify for financing under these Corporations include but are not limited to:

  • Funding for the acquisition and renovation or the construction of real, personal or mixed property for health care, research and/or education
  • Funding for health care equipment
  • Funding for health care/dental related facilities such as pharmacies, laboratories, physician’s office buildings, as well as affiliated parking and service areas
  • Funding for housing related to medical facilities and staff
  • Funding for facilities and housing for medical/dental education
  • Funding for senior facilities including housing, nursing homes, adult foster care, and facilities that provide services for the aging
  • Funding can be used for the refinancing of existing debt

To Apply for Bonds

Application materials required to apply for the issuance of bonds by these Corporations are available below. Please contact Staff with any questions.

Profiles in Success

The TCHFDC provided bond financing for several senior living properties in Travis County. In 2005, TCHFDC provided $111,570,000 for the construction of Querencia at Barton Creek. In 2008, Longhorn Village received $166,330,000 in bond financing. In 2010, Westminster Manor received $111,570,000 in bond financing from TCHFDC. All of these properties are well-appointed with beautiful community amenities. Each provides gracious homes for senior residents of Travis County.